Poisoned and chemically treated foods - Himalayan Yoga Association
Poisoned & Chemically Treated Foods  “Manufactures are more concerned with the shell life of food than its ability to nourish human life. All chemical additives destroy life, including the life of the consumer.” Since quantity in food production, but not its quality, is the main concern of authorities and food growers, all efforts are made to use chemical manures, pesticides, irrespective and unmindful of the fact what and how much good it can do to the consumers. What we eat is nothing but poison in the form of foods that we eat. What else could be expected  when the emphasis is not on quality and nutrition, but on quantity and nutrition, but on quantity alone. It is a matter of shame and concern that a few individuals play havoc with
Yoga   health, Poisoned and chemically treated foods
Ardha badha padmottanasan - Himalayan Yoga Association
Ardha badha padmottanasan (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend)   Namaste and welcome back again to Ashtanga and vinyasa classes so today we are going to learn Ardha badha padmottanasan so in this posture basically we need a good flexibility in your hip joint. It will also increase flexibility in your hip joint it will increase the glutes and strengthen the glutes and just it also helps in increasing the mobility in your ankle so let’s began this posture so first off all you have to again come in front of a mat I always do this posture while coming in front of a mat but I have to show you so I will be doing here only so just both feet together and band your leg at the knee
Yoga   Ardha badha padmottanasan, yoga, yoga asana
The Importance of Food - Himalayan Yoga Association
The Importance of Food In addition to aforesaid tenets necessary to keep your body in good humour, food is the most important factor. Truly, speaking, we are what we eat or our food habits mould our mental faculties also. You can live without water for a few hours, without air for some moments and without food also you can survive, but merely survive. When body is not nurtured and nourished with suitable foods, our body gives in, giving way to many health problems. If body is not in a healthy mind abodes in healthy body. A lot has been written and spoken about food, proper food, food fads fast fads, prohibited and acceptable and suitable foods. But, all human beings as food allergies and reactions have a lengthy list of
Yoga   health, The Importance of Food
Parsvottanasana - Himalayan Yoga Association
Namaste everyone welcome back to ashtanga classes, so today we will learn the next posture  That is Parsvottanasana. Parsvottanasana is also known as pyramid pose so let’s begin the pose, now we will learn how we can go into the posture Parsvottanasana and how we will come back out so first take one feet distance come into samasthiti in the front of the mat Ekam inhale send your right leg back you can keep the distance 3 and a half feet apart between your legs you have to properly square your hips turn your rotate your left thigh inside as much as you can turn with your left feet you have to just place your left feet slightly 5 degree’s in and your right toe will be facing front, joined
Yoga   Parsvottanasana, yoga, yoga poses
Prasarita Padottanasana - Himalayan Yoga Association
  Namaste and Welcome back to Ashtanga yoga classes my self sourav and today we are going learn forward banding posture prasarita padottanasana. There are four variation of prasarita padottanasana that we are going learn today let’s began you can come front in the act take one feet distance properly Ekam inhale send your right leg back both toes front keep your both palms on your waist inhale look up dve exhale band fully forward down try to push your elbows closer to each other as much as you can push your elbows closer to each other you can open your legs adjust yourself according to your like flexibility if you wanna like easily you are touching your head down then you can reduce the distance between your legs if
Yoga   Prasarita Padottanasana, yoga, yoga asana
Upavistha Konasana - Himalayan Yoga Association
Namaste and welcome back again to our Ashtanga and Vinyasa class. in today’s class we are gonna learn about Upavistha Konasana that how will perform this posture and how we will get more benefits from this posture so let’s begin so from downward facing dog as usual our all poses will go from downward facing dog only bend your knees and jump open your legs wide as much as you can open just open your legs wide you can like according your flexibility you can keep your legs in 90 or 120 degree grab your both feet or your big toes you can also grab your feet inhale look front lengthen your spine keep puling your spine up and while exhalation just try to touch your belly chin and chest
Yoga   Upavistha Konasana, yoga, yoga asana
Supta Padangusthasana -Himalayan Yoga Association
Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining hand-to-big-toe pose) Om Shanti everyone welcome back to our Ashtanga and Vinyasa class today. we are gonna learn about Supta Padangusthasana we will see how we can do into this posture and how we will come back from the posture so let’s begin again comfort the downward facing dog just comfortably adjust yourself and from here just band your knees and sit in dandasana and lay down on your back now your right leg at the knee and grab your right big toe if you cannot grab your big toe and straight your knee like this you can just use belt on your leg and then you can grab the belt so I can grab it so I am showing you like this now inhale lift your
Yoga   Supta Padangusthasana, yoga, yoga asana
Best 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training In India
Best Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh, India – Himalayan Yoga Association  Learning and practicing yoga and meditation classes in an ashram is truly a blissful experience. The serene and tranquil surroundings of the ashram help a seeker gain optimum benefits. In the middle of the mountains covered with a variety of green trees, plants and grass, Himalayan Yoga Association (Ashram) offers what all it takes to start the transcendental journey. Away from the jostling crowd of the city, the location of the ashram in Ghattu Ghat Rishikesh along an incessantly flowing river is just perfect. No wonder, the ashram has been hailed among the best few in Rishikesh. Once into the quiet campus of it, the seekers and students yearn to keep themselves immersed in the yogic life for eternity. It
Yoga   Best Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh India, best yoga school in rishikesh india
Himalayan Yoga association sound health
  How To Maintain Sound Health Every one wishes to stay fit, trim and healthy but our efforts generally fail to keep pace with our wishes. In the mad rush of hurry, worry and scurry, health is the biggest casualty. No doubt problems in life are not the result of our own making but there is hardly any justification to blame anyone for the miserable plight of our health. But the problems which we have created , for ourselves, are manageable and within our reach. What is actually required is a strong and unflinching will and determination, backed and aided by our sources, concerted and prudent desire. In fact, we have created innumerable desires and, in order to fulfil them, we have to often strain our already tired and dissipated
Yoga   health, health benefits, healthy diet, healthy life, meditation, sound health, yoga
desire & Anger by Himalayan yoga association
Desire:  It is a natural human tendency to pine for what we do not have and there is nothing wrong in it. But when our desires take better of us, then we are landed in an awkward position. Your desire must be commensurate with your ability, capability, social and financial status. When desires are not fulfilled, frustration and depression set in, loading to various forms of mental unrest and body’s illnesses. Unfulfilled desires will take away peace, sound sleep, comforts, rest, enjoyments, etc. Impact of resisted desires is so severe on body and mind that, at times, incurable and irreversible symptoms surface, much to one’s chagrin. Reasonable and justifiable desire and the one which is easy to attain should, normally not upset anyone’s apple-cart but when the desires attain the
Yoga   anger, desire, Himalayan Yoga Association