How To Maintain Sound Health

By Yogahealth, health benefits, healthy diet, healthy life, meditation, sound health, yoga


How To Maintain Sound Health

Every one wishes to stay fit, trim and healthy but our efforts generally fail to keep pace with our wishes. In the mad rush of hurry, worry and scurry, health is the biggest casualty. No doubt problems in life are not the result of our own making but there is hardly any justification to blame anyone for the miserable plight of our health. But the problems which we have created , for ourselves, are manageable and within our reach. What is actually required is a strong and unflinching will and determination, backed and aided by our sources, concerted and prudent desire. In fact, we have created innumerable desires and, in order to fulfil them, we have to often strain our already tired and dissipated nerves. Desires have no end. The moment some of our desires are fulfilled, not to speak of how, in what way and at what cost, unfulfilled desires continue to multiply. Failure at achievements shakes our confidence, rendering us physically and mentally sick, crippled and dazed. Such a confused state of mind wrecks havoc on our body, as  a result of which we are confronted with various psychosomatic disorders. Instead of finding a scapegoat or to lay the blame at others’ doors, we should search our conscience, have self-introspection, devise ways and means, within the ambit of our capacity and capability, to win over the problems, thus finding workable solutions.

A well planned life is a forerunner of happy life, whereas an unplanned and haphazard style of living may wreck havoc. First and foremost objective should be to keep our body in good humour, away from stress, strain and turmoil of modern life. If we take care of our body, it will also care and exert to serve but if we ignore it we are surely in for untold miseries which often defy solutions. There is no doubt that certain aspects are more easily said and preached but difficult to act upon. Despite all this, let us try to buy our peace of mind, at whatever cost and from whichever corner it can be obtained. A peaceful mind indicates that a healthy mind can reside in a healthy body only but it must be ensured that neither is allowed to suffer for the fault of another let both of them function in proper cohesion and unison.

Day and night are completed in a span of 24 hours, out of which eight hours should be allocated to daily chores, eight hours should be allocated to daily chores, eight to professional work and the rest of eight hours for resting and relaxing the body, mind and brain. Our body is like a machine which has to be geared fully to cope with the amount of work which we expect it to perform, then it should be afforded complete rest also. If we do not provide required or desired rest to the machine and continue to run it incessantly, it is liable to buckle down under pressure of continuous work. 

Rise up early in the morning, preferably before the sunrise. After attending to the calls of nature, meditate for sometime by way of Pranayama or else go out for a morning walk or resort to light indoor exercise so that your circulation is normal. Before you run out of breath or feel tired, no exercise should be pushed. Any further fatigue is nature ‘s warning signal that the body’s capacity to withstand the strain of exercise, by whichever way it is performed, has exhausted or is about to exhaust.

Afore suggestions will suitably, though hopefully, meet requirements of office goers but may not suit persons who are busy at night hours. So suitable modifications and relevant modalities can always be planned and worked out, to suit an individual’s duty schedule.


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