What is Trigunas? Types (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) of Trigunas!

By Yogasattva, trigunas, types of trigunas, yoga, yoga types

What is Trigunas?



Trigunas are 3 qualities of nature. The universe is the union of purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (nature). Prakriti manifest itself in living and non living , gross and subtle matter in the universe. Purusha is the cause behind moment or life of that matter.

The 3 biological elements / tridosha are constituents of the human body (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). This is the prakriti. While the innate qualities of human beings are classified into 3 different categories known as trigunas. This is the metaphysical aspect.


Types (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) of Trigunas!


comparison of trigunas

The trigunas are integral constituents of the mind. (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas). These 3 also known as Mansa dosha ot the psychic constitution.

a.Tamas is underactive state which is the lowest. It is illutional, lazy, confused, possessive, dull and greedy, ignorance, attachment.
b. Rajas is the activity state which is overactive. The characteristic is restless, workaholic, self cantered, achiever, aggressive, restlessness, ambitious.
c. Sattva is the balance between activity and inertia. Sattva state is happiness, calm, kindred, meditative, content , and caring.

Everything and everyone will have these 3 qualities, living and non living. The continuous moving of blood within our body is Raja guna in act .Our mind sometimes swing wildly and this is Raja gunas, and when we can stop that fluctuation, it is the Tamas gunas. During deep meditation, when we feel self love and joy, this is Sattva guna which is balance.

Triguna shapes the characteristic in material and immaterial in us. The proportion of the 3 different trigunas will lead us to behave, react, conceptualize, and comprehend the nature around differently. The inherited guna can be changed due to physical, phychological and social influence.

The behaviour is shaped by the prominent of the qualities at a given time. The dominant guna will influence the personality when the 5 elements are perceived by our 5 senses and process through the mind and modified by the dominant guna.

Therefore, gunas is the final elements that influence the personality of a person. Each person has the ego to support their intellect from the perceived data. Triguna which stem from ego will determine the personality through which is dominant at a particular time.

The Sattva person is pure and positive with spiritual quality. When it comes to work, one is calm differentiating between desirable and undesirable situations. The more sattva nature, the more love, compassion, kindness and attachment to happiness. The state of good health is here.

The Rajasic person are full with desires and attachments. As they are very self centered, they sometimes, can’t differentiate right and wrong. One is in the balance Raja state when one is enthusiast, deeply interested, dedicated to work, achiever.

It is the bridge for sattva and tama, and balance them. As it refers to passion, it creates motivation, movement, right action, creativity for a better change. If it is imbalance, one will have anger, anxiety and agitation.
The Tamas is related to darkness.

It clouded with illusion, negative, dullness and inactive. In a balance Tama state, one will have timely sleep, balance diet, appreciation of nature, concern about others. However, if it is imbalance, one is possessive , desire to harm others, short-lived happiness.

There are 7 combinations: Dominant Sattva Guna, dominant Tama Guna, dominant Raja Guna, dominant Sattva -Raja Guna, dominant Sattva-Tama Guna, dominant Raja -Tama Guna, balance Sattva- Raja- Tama Guna.

The presence of triguna can be observed through action we perform, intention behind the action, and reaction. For the action and intention, we have to ask ourselves for every action : why am I doing this (intention) and how do I do this (manifestation).

It could be different guna that dominant both intention and manifestation, and we can balance the predominant if you pay attention to it. As for the reaction is the result of the action done, how do you feel or react.
We need to always balance .

From Tama to Raja, we can engage in more physical asana activities, mixing with positive people, traveling to new places, eating light food.

These will lift our energy level and turn to Raja state. From here, to proceed to Sattva, we can perform meditation, reading, non profit work and follow Yamas to balance the excessive energy. Observe and change to elevate is the key.

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