Yoga poses for relieving pain

By Yogapain, yoga asana
Balasana A forward twist, Balasana can be very restoring as it gives a decent stretch to your whole body easing all the repressed pressure and strain in the muscles. Chronic pain frequently results from muscle tightening as a result of stress buildup. The back, neck, shoulders, and ankles are all areas of the body that are tight during balansana. When practicing balasana, it is most effective to concentrate on one's breathing, move at a leisurely pace, and avoid pushing oneself beyond their level of comfort.The hips, thighs, and ankles are all gently stretched in this pose, as are the spine and neck. Adho Mukha Svanasana In today's hectic world, where people adopt incorrect postures, lack sufficient muscle strength, or do not have time to relax, lower back pain is quite [...] Read More