Specialized Yoga Teacher Training Programs in Rishikesh, India – Master the Art of Yoga Instruction

By Yoga Teacher Trainingindia yoga, rishikesh, yoga program
Comprehensive Yoga Training Course Rishikesh, India All long journeys begin with tiny steps. Yoga is one such transformative journey. More than just a set of asanas and breathing techniques, yoga is a way of living that takes time to get accustomed to. We at Himalayan Yoga Association, as a yoga school in Rishikesh, take you through this journey seamlessly by gradually introducing different set of philosophies, techniques, practices, that help you absorb and practice yoga till it becomes your first instinct. Unveiling the Foundations - 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program Our 100-hour yoga teacher training course rishikesh will give you a sneak peek into the basics of Yoga and explain why it plays such an important role in our well-being and how it connects us to our inner self [...] Read More