4 Yoga asanas that help you fight addictions and get your life back in track

By Yogaashtanga, famous yoga asanas, flow, vinyasa, yoga asannas, yoga pose
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend is an asana highly recommended during addiction treatment as it helps bring down stress, ease anxiety and control impulsive behaviour. The asana helps straighten the spine, give a nice stretch to hamstrings and improves overall functioning of your body. People with diabetes can greatly benefit with this asana as it helps in better blood sugar control. The asana can also help burn belly fat. Steps to do Paschimottanasana  Sit comfortably on your Yoga mat and extend your legs forward. Make sure to straighten your spine and lift your chest forward. Now, slowly bend forward from your hips, and attempt to touch your toes. Better would be to try and hold your toes.  In case you aren't able to reach your toes, [...] Read More