Tips for balanced diet

By Himanshu JoshiYogaDiet, yoga, yoga daily. tips, yogic food


orange juice

Do you start your day with a cup of tea or coffee? You may not be doing justice to your digestive system. In some people it can stimulate production of stomach acids and cause stomach irritation, acid reflux, and in some cases, stomach ulcers. On the other hand, having fresh fruits, soaked nuts, lemon-honey water, smoothies, yoghurt, in the morning can give the right nutritional boost to your system.


Healthy & tasty vegetarian foods 1

Give yourself a break from bread, corn flakes, ready-to-eat upma and go for unprocessed foods that are not only rich in nutrients but also tend to be more filling. Eating whole grains or fresh food will make sure you will feel full and energetic and be able to maintain a healthy weight. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocados.


Healthy & tasty vegetarian foods 9

Morning is the perfect time to set intention for the day and work on your goals. To bring your mind in the right state of mind, it is important to bring it in the right rhythm. Pranayama and breathing exercises can reduce your heart rate and blood pressure, help you focus and approach things from a new perspective. Following a pranayama routine can also help you achieve maximum productivity with minimum stress.



While balanced diet is important for good health, eating too much of even healthy foods can lead to weight gain. Eating mindfully or portion control helps ensure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients while maintaining a healthy weight. A general rule is to fill half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole grains.



In our hectic lifestyle, we sometimes resort to eating a single food group or junk food as we do not have time to cook nutritious meals. Planning in advance can cut preparation time significantly, enabling you to cook your meals in a short time. Plan your meals in advance to ensure you’re getting a variety of nutrients and avoiding unhealthy foods. This can also help you save time and money by reducing the need for takeout or fast food.


Fats have gained a bad reputation over a period of time due to its role in increasing cholesterol. Not all fats are bad and it’s only saturated or trans fats you need to avoid. Including healthy fats can in fact help cut cholesterol levels and nourish your body and mind. Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and butter are essential for good health. Try to incorporate these foods into your diet regularly.


Sugar-laden and high-calorie deep fried stuff is not just tasty but also addictive. Eating them rewards pleasure centers in your brain, which can make you consume them in large quantities. However, they play havoc inside our body. They are digested quickly and raise blood sugar levels. They also lead to mood swings. Processed and sugary foods are also often high in calories and low in nutrients, which can lead to weight gain and chronic health problems. Try to limit your intake of these foods as much as possible.



Drinking 7-8 glasses of water can fix many health issues and promote overall well-being. Drinking enough water helps ensure that the body is properly hydrated, which is essential for many bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste products. Staying well-hydrated can help improve the appearance of skin by reducing the risk of dryness, flakiness, and acne. Water is also essential for the functioning of the immune system, which helps protect the body against infection and disease. Additionally, drinking enough water can help prevent constipation. Drinking plenty of water is thus essential for good health. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day, and avoid sugary drinks such as soda and juice.