By Himanshu JoshiYoga


This is the third version of Prasarita Padottanasana. The final position is where your hands are on the floor. It requires a large range of motions in the shoulder area. Pay attention to your scapula movements to bring your hands lower and lower.




1 – As you are standing with your feel apart, as in Prasarita Padottanasana A and B, place hands on waist and exhale.

2 – As you inhale, lock the fingers behind the back and expand the chest at the same time as you pull your arms away from the body.

3 – Then, as you exhale, slowly place the top of your head on the floor, straighten and tighten the arms and legs, move your shoulder blades close to the spine and guide your hands closer to the ground. Stay here and keep breathing, as you keep trying to bring your hands lower and lower gradually.

4 – Then, as you inhale, lift the head up without unlocking the hands, by using the strength of the core and abdominal muscles.

5 – To continue to Prasarita Padottanasana D, exhale without unlocking the hands, and place your hands on the waist as you inhale. Otherwise, exhale without unlocking the hands, and as you inhale, go back to Samasthiti.





  • Stretches the back side of the whole legs, glutes, and lower back as well as the shoulders, chest, abdomen
  • Improves the hop joint flexibility
  • Creates healthy space between the vertebrae
  • Strengthen the feet, the entire legs
  • Creates length in the spine
  • Improves posture
  • Bringing a fresh supply of blood in the head thus helps in reducing fatigue and stress




Avoid this asana unless instructed any modifications by professionals if you have any of the below or feel uncomfortable any time during your practice.

  • Injury in ankles, knees, and any sprain in the neck, shoulders
  • Recent surgery in the knees, hips, ankles
  • High blood pressure, vertigo, migraine
  • Spinal disorders
  • Have undergone heart surgery