Chandra Namaskar Vinyasa Yoga Flow By Yogi Vipin Ji

By YogaChandra Namaskar Vinyasa Yoga Flow By Yogi Vipin Ji, Vinyasa Flow

Namaste yogis welcome back to my heart atlas so in the previous video we have done sure namaskar of hada so in this today video we are going to work on chandra namaskar of hutter

so let’s start the class with own chanting so i’m requesting you to please sit in a cross like position gently place your hands over your lap and close your eyes for a second as you close your eyes take a deep breath in and slowly exhale out inhale in and slowly exhale out

nice inhale in and exhale out prepare yourself prepare your mind for this class now keep breathing don’t hold your breath now with the next inhalation bring your palm near to her center make a namaste so let’s start prepare yourself for 3 ohm take a deep breath in

in-house and how stay there take a deep breath in and exhale out breathe in as you exhale slowly down your head gently open your eyes and namaste so here i have written the name of the poster which include in chandra namaskar so i am requesting you to please open your notebook because in the previous video i have told you the name of the posters

so the only difference here or only change in the channel namaskar is the adding of chandra asana in english record in half moon pose it comes after us for sun challenge so that’s how it’s called chandra namaskar and this is the big difference here the adding of this portion called half moon pose or earth number scar and also it start from the left leg

because in suriname namaskar we start with the right leg but in chandra namaskar it start with the left leg so first half consists of 14 posture or 14 round and second half consists of same 14 so as we add this round together 40 plus 14 it called 28 round so sure numbers

car consists of 24 round and this channel namaskar consists of 28 rounds so let’s start this chandelier’s car in a standing position so here first i’m showing you the demo of chandra namaskar so have a look here so same thing we are starting this from the top of

the mat by taking a one foot distance so the first posture is now set your left leg back this time for us and here it comes earth chandra namaskar half moon pose exhale drop your hands down send your right leg back feet together for parvathanasana by dropping a knee

chin chest it’s called astan namaskar inhale slide forwards lift your chest up call bhujangasana and exhale go back here with us and now find your paramatasana here this time send your right leg forward drop your knee down for us and child inhale up forear

the tendon of the scar drop your hands down send your left leg forward from path inhale up for hustle and exit purnam asana so this is first half of 1 to 14 posture so we are starting with the second half

so inhale first for numb but this time send your right leg back for us for earth half moon pose exhale and go back to paravatasana now drop your knee chin chest down for a strong nose curl slide forward inhale up for bhujangasana go back to parvatasana nice and

slowly this time send your left leg forward for us inhale up for early namaskar excellent drop your hands down send your right leg forward for path inhale for hasta tanasana and exhale prana master so here we done one round of chandra namaskar as you see the only

difference is the changing of the leg and the pose called are the chandra namaskar half moon pose so let’s do two round together so come front of the mat prepare yourself take a deep breath hand and exhale feet together now with the next inhalation make a namaste

between your heart center exhale inhale for hustle arch your back exhale full forward for padhasan send your left leg back font us and inhale for earth exhale drop your hands down go back to parvatasana your knee change us down for us for bhujangasana axe go

back to parvatasana exhale come forward for padhasan exhale fall forward your right leg back for asus and challenge your left leg back for paramathanasana your knee chain chest for us inhale so here we have second round of chana namaskar let’s do this round and counting 1 to 28

so it will be easier for you to see how 28 posture include so one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 now 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and 28 then open legs release your hand close your eyes slower down your breath breathe in and exhale stay here for a few rounds for a few seconds slowly come out exhale so here we have done

three rounds of channel namaskar first we have done with poster to posture now second we have done with so the third one we have done with the counting so i’ll prefer to do three or seven round of chandra namaskar with by taking a proper rest in between so let’s

end this session with om chanting one ohm and three shanti so place your health nearby hearth center by closing your eyes prepare yourself take a deep breath in and exhale slowly out inhale and exhale inhale for om take a deep breath in stay there take a deep

breath in slowly exhale out down your forehead slowly rub your palms gently place your palm on your eyes by spreading your fingers slower down your hands on your face open your eyes hurt you namaste.

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