Vinyasa Yoga Flow Shoulder Strength By Yogi Vipin Ji

By YogaVinyasa Yoga Flow Shoulder Strength By Yogi Vipin Ji, yoga asana

Namaste Yogi’s welcome back so this is a last part of the flow of the finishing sequence and inversion so let’s start gently lie down on your back so we are going for shoulder strength so prepare yourself prepare your mind stay here for few seconds now you can come move forward if you want to slowly take a deep breathe in exhale out the place your

palm by side of your hip now take finger tip support press your finger tip as lift your legs off to the mat now slowly swing your leg lift your hip up and find your shoulder strength now with the support of your palm support your lower back slowly support your upper back and try to maintain your legs straight squeeze your abdomen squeeze your buttox to

find that straight line and hold here so we gonna hold here for 10 to 12 second make sure between this you have to engage your buttox and try to keep squeeze your abdomen and hold here for 7 more breathe in and breathe out five four three two breathe in and after

first drop your right leg over your head tuck your toes in and now interlace your finger stretch you, your hand slowly drop your left leg straight your back now make sure your hip should be aligned with your shoulder instead of making a curve try to lengthen your

spine, straight your back straight your leg and hold here for 10 nine eight seven find your balance six breathe in now slowly drop your both knees by outside of the ears slowly hug your leg and hold this posture here again try to maintain your spine straight if it possible

and hold here for five four three two one, breathe in release your hand, now first try to support your back inhale straight your both legs up now if it possible for you then make a lotus by crossing your leg and slowly as you find balance try to tuck it hip in and slowly place your both hand on your knee and hold here for five four, breathe in and breathe out

just focus on your breathing and one exhale slowly drop your leg down hug your leg and hold here for three four five and six breathe in slowly release your hand support your upper back inhale straight your leg now unstuck your leg release your leg from here now slowly by placing your hand on your lower back slowly slowly come out from the posture

now as you exhale drop your hip down now we controlling, slowly drop your both legs down now from here we are moving to counter pose uttanpadasana so place your hand underneath your hip bend your leg by pressing your heels slowly lift up your head place your crown of the head on the mat lift your chest up straight your leg straight your hand

and hold here for five four three two and one, release your hand first exhale and relax now slowly move your neck right and left, left and right now from here prepare yourself for chakra vinyasa so place your hand by side of or over your shoulder side of the ears slowly roll back and jump to chaturanga dandasana inhale up for upper facing dog exhale

go back to downward facing dog nice and slowly hold here, breathe in and breathe out and jump forward cross your leg and slowly lie down on your back breathe in lift your both legs up now cross your right leg over your left like we did in the garud pose eagle pose inhale

Now slowly drop your leg towards the left and twist your upper back and hold here so this is the supine twisting this posture mainly use in cooling down the temperature of body so as that’s how these posture come into the last breathe in and breathe out nice and slowly try to place your right shoulder on your mat twist from your upper back as much as you

can now with the support of your right palm slowly release your leg switch your side and switch your leg breathe in and exhale and now twist your upper back and hold here five four try to again keep pressing your shoulder down two and one release your leg breathe in back to the center keep your knee bend then grab your leg inhale lift your head up now

swing right and left left and right nice and slowly massage your lower back now breathe in lift your head up try to touch your forehead on your knee breathe in squeeze and exhale twist towards the left side drop your leg towards the left side inhale back to the center and exhale towards the right side breathe in squeeze take a deep breathe in and as you exhale

slowly relax for savasana open your legs, open your hand now gently take a deep breathe in and exhale relax breathe in as you exhale wiggle your fingers with toes come out from your relaxation move your neck right and left, left to right now extend your both hand over your head interlace your finger turn your palm up trying to touch your hand inhale

and exhale bend your both leg turn in towards the right side now by taking a support of your left palm slowly come up cross your leg place your hand over your knees now we are going for closing mantra one Om and Three Shanti stay here breathe in breathe out slowly bring your both palm near to heart center take a deep breathe in exhale inhale for

Shanti Shanti Shanti

Stay there feel the vibration of Om feel the peace in your body in your mind in your heart slowly down your forehead gently rub your palm slowly place your palm on your eyes now spreading your fingers slower down on your face to your mouth gently open your hand open your fingers open your eyes namaste hari om.

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