Lokah Samastah Mantra Chanting And its Meaning

By Himanshu JoshiYogaLokah Samastah Mantra Chanting And its Meaning, mantra

Namaste everyone come up on your mats sit very comfortably keeping the back and neck straight and very gently close your eyes and start observing your breathe don’t change your breathe just observe the natural flow of the breathing make sure that your body is correctly aligned keep your neck and

shoulders relaxed slowly begin to deepen the breathing go for slow long and deep breathes we will begin today’s session by chanting Om three times followed by three shanti’s inhale deeply for Om

Shanti Shanti Shanti’hi

Just take a few moments to observe the vibrations join both your palms together and rub both your palms together place them on your eyes very slowly while blinking and looking at your palms begin to open up your eyes start coming back with the smile and namaste to everyone we welcome you at Himalayan Yoga Association

I’m Yogini Saumya and i will be conducting today’s session so today we are going to talk about Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu this is Mangal Mantra Or Shanti Mantra So a mantra basically which induces peace and the well being in the environment right so Lokah Samastah Sukhino

Bhavantu this means may all the beings you know living non-living everybody around you be happy be peaceful be blissful right when you chant this mantra this is the intention that you set in your mind right so you guys you have been practicing Ashtanga and in the closing mantra this line

generally comes up Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu right so we are going to understand this in a little bit more detail so first let me break it down to you word wise so lokah this word word means cosmos or the universe so you not wishing for the well being of may be yourself or your

loved ones or wherever you exist you are wishing for the well being of the universe right so all the living non living things everything is included when you use this term Lokah and along with Samastah so complete the entire you know so Samastah means entire so made this entire entire world

universe cosmos right Sukhino means sukh right sukh means happiness you are promoting the happiness you are wishing happiness for the entire world right and Bhavantu may all may everyone this term means may everyone right so may everyone the living the non living little big right

everybody may they be peaceful right now what is the importance of chanting such a mantra right because I’m off course when i chant this mantra i feel good right when I’m sending out good wishes but why you know why do i have to wish well for everyone you know so it’s very important to understand this thing right when the yogi goes into very deep

practice right the yogi recognizes the inter connection of themselves with the universe around them right so sometimes you know all of us think that we are the entire universe you know but as the yogi goes deeper and deeper into the practice the yogi recognizes this thing that I’m a part of this

environment I’m separate okey the i thing comes up but the other important thing is that you fit into this world right so if you cause chaos in the world around you if you light fire all around then you can not expect yourself to be happy right so like nature you know if you keep destroying the nature around us one day or the other

We are going to begin to feel it’s impact right If i you know wherever you are sitting right now if there is a fire outside and i say to you you know you are safe keep sitting in this room right you will say that you know we respect you you are a yoga teacher but we seriously have to figure a way out

because this fire is eventually going to burn everything around you and It’s going to get to me as well right so in that same way this deep recognition that if i cause sorrow around me I’m a part of this universe this sorrow will come to me at one point or the other is the entire understanding that the

yogi comes to and when the yogi comes to this realization it very naturally comes from within you know to wish well for outside not in a selfish way that Oo i’m a part of this environment so I should keep it happy so that i can be happy nob when they go into deep meditation there is a burst of love

that comes up not only for yourself for the things around you right or the people around you but for everybody the yogi loves everyone they not specific okey this is my mom this is my dad i should love them my sister my brother no the yogi recognizes this so deeply that naturally a flu of love

comes up and they genuinely wish well for everyone around them right so now that you understand the meaning and then importance of chanting this mantra let’s just directly practice the mantra to see the impact that it has on you as we chat so we’ll do the chanting 5 times

So wherever you are sitting preferably come in a cross legged positions sit comfortably keep your back and neck straight and very gently close your eyes and start observing your breathe make sure that your body is comfortable and stable slowly begin to deepen your breathing go for slow

long and deep inhalations slow long and deep exhalations remember that it is very important to keep the body stable throughout your practice so take this mental resolution that i’m not going to change my posture for the remaining of the practice we’ll begin the chanting together

So inhale deeply for the chanting Lokah Samastah Sukhin Bhavantu

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Just feel the vibrations feel the impact of this mantra on your body breathe and mind we’ll end today’s session by chanting Om one time followed by three Shanti’s take one deep breathe before that inhale deeply exhale Inhale for Om

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti’hi

Join your palms together and rub the palms together keep your palms on your eyes we’ll do this one more time so rub the palms together keep them on the eyes very slowly while blinking and looking at your palms begin to open up your eyes start coming back with the smile and namaste to everyone thank you so much.

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