Triguna and Panchmahabhoot By Yogini Durgesh Ji

By YogaTriguna and Panchmahabhoot By Yogini Durgesh Ji, yoga

Om Shanti Namaskaram welcome to the HYA before starting our session let’s begin with the prayer come into the sitting posture keep your back, neck straight aligned gently close your eyes and go into your posture in

your asana keeping your back, neck straight aligned once you aligned move your attention towards the deep for long slow inhalation deep for long slow exhalation inhale and exhale with awareness now take a deep for long inhalation for the Om

Shanti Shanti Shanti’hi

Feel the vibration and sensation join your both palm rub your palm place on your eyes very slowly while blinking looking at your palm gently open up your eyes with a great smile and say Om Shanti Om Shanti

So today topic is Triguna and today we gonna understand in detail earlier in you know the previous session we discuss about “The Triguna” with the relation of the Tridosha now we gonna understand how the Triguna is forming The Panchmahabhoot which Panchmahabhoot is making the

Tridosha that only we discuss but little bit in detail we gonna understand that concept so triguna as i already talked about it that Triguna which is The three the three nature three qualities okey three nature, three qualities what are three qualities Satva Raja and Tama these are the three

Qualities these are the forming what the whole cosmo whatever you see star, moon the water the mountains earth other planets mini galaxies our milkyway galaxy everything is formed with this Triguna whatever around you are able to see and which you can not see both things are made of the

Triguna that is a part of the Prakriti so prakriti is what matter in in yoga science we call prakriti and in metaphysics we called matter so matter is having these quality these Guna these three qualities Satva, Raja and Tam now Satva quality is what the function of the Satva is what giving you harmony’s calmness, relaxation right we already discuss about it then the Raja is made the activeness around you movement, mobility okey

Whatever is moving around you is because of the Raja guna within you and the outside environment as well that is because of Raja then Tama Tama is giving the pause to the movement there is a break also the whole day you can not walk no you have to set so when you are sitting because of the Tama Guna environment also getting into the pause into the you

know stillness that also happen because of the Tama Guna So Satva, Raja and Tama is prevalent in entire this cosmo including everything okey and now these are forming The Panchmahabhoot five gross elements the five gross element the basic gross which forming the matter what are the

matter these we have Apa we have Vayu Apa is Jal ( water ) Sanskrit name i have wroted down here Apa the water Agni the fire Akasha the Space Vayu the air then Prithavi The Earth these are The Panchmahabhoot which is made of the Trigunam So Apa is made of the combination of the

Triguna so what are the combinations Tama + Satva so Tama + Satva so water quality have you seen it’s Tama also it is if you keep the water in into the vessel it can be remain into the stillness form you know when you you want it hold the water in your tank you are keeping the water in you bottle you are keeping the water there is many vessels you are keeping the

Water in that time there is no mevement in the water it’s still there is a lake ponds which keeping there is no mobility in the water right when we give the vessel a big or small that is upto you so then Tama guna Satva harmony’s the water also having the harmony’s nature it’s calm whenever you look towards the water it’s give you the calmness coolness relaxation

Immediately you get the peace the actual form of the water I’m not talking about when you boiling it the water you changing the temperature of the water and the forms of the water is changed I’m talking about the natural form of the water so it’s very peaceful to observe the wate no matter how

Disturb you are but if you sit near by the water it’s give you harmony bliss you feel joy so Tama, Satva is making The Apa The water So Tama Satva guna of the prakriti, of the matter is making the Panchmahabhoot that is water Apa then Agni Agni is made of the Satva and Raja Guna it has the

Satva it is Satva is like when you light the diya around you it’s bring the light to the darkness Satva Guna It’s vanish the darkness whenever you you know light something then Raja it gonna burn everything around you burning bad or good it’s everything is burning whenever it’s come into the contact of anything around like Agni is come into the contact of anything

it’s burn the nature is what burn and it’s give you what Heat so Raja guna Raja guna Heat so Satva, Raja guna making the Agni then Akasha Akasha tattva this element is made of the Satva whenever you look towards the sky you know see upward the emptiness is there and everything is in fit into the space, Akasha ( Space ) and it’s very calm and relaxed Satva

Completely blissful and vast The Satva quality is what vastness and provide you the harmony as well same time so Akasha tattva is Satva tattva made of the Satva guna the quality of Akasha Satva guna Satvik blissful harmony is an vastness providing everything is fit into the Akasha stars, moons, we, you are even your whole family whole the planets

Galaxy, all the species mother earth everything is fit into where in Akasha so everything is fit into the akasha so Akasha is made of the Satva then Vayu which is made of the Raja Guna activeness Vayu provide the mobility to you and then environment and just Vayu is made of Raja

Guna the quality of vayu is raja guni active always moving always moving one place to the other so activeness the Vayu the Prithavi tattva come made of the Tama Stillness Prithavi the mud is still because of the stillness whenever you whenever you see the prithavi Prithavi is still jarh ( root ) the root it’s has the stillness solidity so it is a quality of the tama guna so earth, prithavi means earth

So this element is formed with the tama guna which is solid still and remaining to the one place that is the quality of the prithavi now these Panchmahabhoot is forming Tridosha which we already discuss about it Tridosha Vata Pita and Kapha we discuss about these things already so Vata, Pita and Kapha is formed of

What formed made of Panchmahabhoot so you understand this through this you know white board that how everything is linked directly so Triguna is everything is forming is making the very gross element which the matter is made of the Panchmahabhoot and the matter has the quality

So matter is made of the Panchmahabhoot and the quality of that matter is Triguna that’s you can understand and then that quality the Triguna the quality that making Panchmahabhoot Panchmahabhoot combination making Tridosha so let’s end in tomorrow in coming session we discuss

About the other topics so let’s end the session here with three time Om and Shanti go into your posture keep your back, neck aligned relaxed gently close your eyes now take a deep your long inhalation for the Om
Shanti Shanti Shanti’hi

Feel the vibration join your both palm rub your palm place on your eyes very slowly while blinking looking at your palm gently open up your eyes with a greath smile and say Om Shanti Om Shanti to all bless you guys bye bye take care meet you in coming session.

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