Cholesterol Problem | Humany Anatomy | How to Control?

By Yoga

It is a yellow-white, waxy element produced mostly in the liver, and is a master molecule that plays an important role in the lives of all beings. It is like a building block that the body uses to make other elements in the body. It is essential for the survival of human life. Cholesterol is part and parcel of muscles, fat tissues, brain, and nerves and, if it is between 140-160 mg, it is said to be within normal limits in a normal healthy person. 

It is generated by diet and is absorbed in parents ‘ cines and is active in metabolic processes of blood plasma, liver, and intestines. Serum cholesterol level beyond 240 mg is high, below 240 mg and up to 200 mg tolerable, and from 200-160 is ideal. Read Human Anatomy

It is tried and precipitated by risk factors, like high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, diabetes, a disorder of circulation, sedentary life and lack of physical activity heredity more male gender and aged persons – all these factors are held to cause fall in low HDL (High-density lipoproteins). 




It is the LDL (low-density Lipoproteins) that is the chief factor for causing calcareous and cutaneous deposits in the arteries which, in turn, block the passage of blood. 

Efforts should always be made to raise HDL through diet above and thus lower LDL levels. LDL can be effectively lowered by soluble fiber obtained from sunflower seeds, pectin (found in apples and citrus fruits), and corn. In addition to niacin, chromium, magnesium, outbrain, dry beans, etc. are other sources to lower LDL and raise HDL.

Of all the contributory causes, saturated fats are the major source for raising cholesterol levels in the blood. So consumption of red meats, chicken, whole milk, and dry fruit should be avoided.

Lack of exercise, sedentary habits, gluttony obesity are other causes. Let fruits and vegetables play an important role in the dietary menus of each home which have even a semblance of concern for the health of family members.