How To Do Santolanasana (Balancing pose)?

By YogaBalancing pose, how to do Santolanasana (Balancing pose), Santolanasana, Santolanasana (Balancing pose)

In Sanskrit “Santolana” means “Balancing”, “Asana” means “posture”.  The English name is “Balancing pose”.


Position : Sitting

Type : Balancing pose

Spiritual Awareness : Manipura chakras.
Physical Awareness : Maintaining balance and coordinating movements with breath.

Dosha Suitability : Vata

Introducery Asanas : Trikonasana, Padahastasan, Adho Mukha Svanasana



  1. Sit in Vajrasana. Stand up on the knees and place the palms of the hands on the floor beneath the shoulders.
  2. Raise the buttocks and straighten the knees.
  3. Move the shoulders forward and drop the buttocks until the body is straight. The arms should be vertical.
  4. Focus the gaze on a fixed point in front at eye level.
  5. Hold the final position for a short duration.
  6. Lower the knees to the floor. Relax in Marjari-asana or Shashankasana. Practice up to 5 times.


Variation 1 : Assume the final position of santolanasana.

Slowly raise the left arm, keeping the body straight, and roll onto the right side so that the chest faces forward.

Rest the upper arm and hand along the trunk and thigh.

Roll back to the initial position and repeat the movement to the left side.


Variation 2 :

  1. Assume the final position of Santolanasana.
  2. Focus the eyes on a point in front of the body.
  3. Raise the right arm and place it behind the back so that the forearm rests across the small of the back.
  4. Lower the arm and repeat on the other side.


Variation 3 :

  1. Assume the final position of Santolanasana.
  2. Focus the eyes on a point in front of the body.
  3. Either keep both hands on the floor or assume the raised arm position of variation 2.
  4. Raise the right leg, stretching it back and up.
  5. Hold for short duration.
  6. Lower the leg and arm. Repeat on the left side.
  7. Retain the breath while practicing variations.



Follow-up Asanas: Vashishthasana.

Spotlight Effects: Balance and coordination.


Physical Benefits: 

  1. It strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulders and spine, and balances the interaction between the dorsal and ventral muscles.
  2. Makes abdominal muscles strengthened.


Therapeutic Benefits:

  1. Stimulates Manipura Chakra.
  2. Instils feeling of positivity.
  3. This asana improves nervous balance and develops a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony.


Precautions and Contraindications:

  1. Severe ankle injury.
  2. Acute carpel tunnel syndrome.

Get in Touch…

Addresss: Himalayan Yoga Ashram, Himalayan Yoga association, Gulab Nagar, Tapovan, Rishikesh, 249137, Uttarakhand
Contact no. : +919760206223
Email Id: [email protected]

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