Anjaneyasana (Lord Hanuman’s pose)

By Himanshu JoshiYoga

“Anjaneya” is a name of “Lord Hanuman”, “Asana” means “Posture”; English name for this asana is “Low Lunge”.

Position : Standing
Type : Grounding and balancing
Spiritual Awareness : Manipura
Physical Awareness : Supporting muscles of the knees.
Dosha Suitability : Vata
Introductory Asanas : Adho mukha svanasana, Supta virasana, Utkatasana


  1. From Adho Mukha Svanasana, exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning the right knee over the heel. Then lower your left knee to the floor and, keeping the right knee fixed in place, slide the left back until you feel a comfortable stretch in the front thigh and groin. Turn the top of your left foot to the floor.
  2. Inhale and lift your torso to upright. As you do, sweep ypur arms out to the sides and up, perpendicular to the floor. Draw the tailbone down toward the floor and lift your pubic bone toward your navel. Lift your chest from the firmness of your shoulder blades against the back torso.
  3. Take your head back and look up, being careful not to jam the back of your neck. Reach your fingers toward the ceiling. Hold for a minute, exhale your torso back to the right thigh and your hands to the floor, and turn your back toes under. With another exhale, lift your left knee off the floor and step back to Adho Mukha Svanasana. Repeat with the left foot forward for the same length of time.
  4. To improve balance, practice this pose facing a wall. Press the big toe of the front foot against the wall and stretch your arms up, finger tips to the wall.

Spotlight effects: Neck, armpits, chest, lungs, hips, legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back and knees.

Followup Asanas: Virabhadrasana

Physical Benefits:

  1. Improves the strength and flexibility in the hips, legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back knees, neck, armpits, chest, and lungs.
  2. This pose stretches the gluteus maximus, quadriceps, iliopsoas, Sartorius muscle, and rectus femoris muscle.
  3. This pose helps to strengthen as well as tone the muscles in the shoulders and the arms.
  4. Regular practice of this pose leads to greater strength and flexibility in your legs, knees hips, arms, shoulders, and abdomen.
  5. It helps one to strengthen one’s balance.
  6. It also stimulates the reproductive organs and helps with digestion as well.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  1. It is advisable for people who are suffering from sciatica as it strtches the hamstings and leg muscles.
  2. This pose is also beneficial for the heart.
  3. It stretches and stimulates the lower body.

Precautions and Contraindications:

  1. This type of yoga exercise should not be undertaken by any person who is suffering from heart problems, hernia or lower back pain.
  2. It will also help to have a trained professional guide you through the exercise.

Get in Touch…

Addresss: Himalayan Yoga Ashram, Himalayan Yoga association, Gulab Nagar, Tapovan, Rishikesh, 249137, Uttarakhand
Contact no. : +919760206223
Email Id: [email protected]

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